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World Changers are set to rub minds together on how to solve one of the major problems facing the youth these days. Do you know that the working population is not working? The place of youth empowerment cannot be left out when talking about change in any given society. The youths are idle, walking the streets a begging, engaging in all kinds of social vices you can ever think of.

I met one youth some few weeks ago begging for alms. This is the conversation that ensued:

Youth X: Uncle, Pls. give me some money.

World Changer:(I told him to come)What is your name?

Youth X:( He mentioned his name)

World Changer: Where are your parents?

Youth X:They are at home.

World Changer: What do both of them do for living?

YouthX: My father is a farmer, and my mother is a trader.

World Changer: Where are you schooling now?

Youth X: (He mentioned a secondary school in Ile- Ife in Osun State, Nigeria, but told me that he has dropped out)

This is a case study of a Nigerian Youth who has the wherewithal, innate potentialities but no drive or motivation to bring the best out of him. The guy and I discussed that evening, although I gave him some money to God's glory,but I warned him to desist from begging. I advised him on things to do instead of begging.

Sheer determination coupled with tenacity of purpose is one of the determinants of success in life.Greatness at times is not a function of how rich and influential your parents are.

It is through collective responsibilities that we can foster the desired development and change. What we do not have, we cannot give.I see a Nigerian who can hold his head up high in all nook and corners of the world. I see a youth with sound mind who is ever ready to break through limitations, and possesses a tenacity of purpose; who strives to be the best . I see the new Nigeria of our dream.Be the changer.